Mr. Hirozane Matsuoka is 50 years old. She lives in Aichi Prefecture and is a housewife who has been married for 25 years. The two sons are also independent, blessed with their first grandchildren, and each day they send the second chapter of their life as peaceful and bright “Jiji Tobaba”. It’s just the happiness itself, but I think it’s because of such a second life that my relationship with my husband will continue. "I don't feel frustrated or jealous, but I want my husband and I to be a little more concerned about life. I wanted them to be seen as women in the past, not as "bareba." I wanted to revive the sexuality that I forgot myself, so I applied for such a feeling in my heart. However, since I came to the world of AV, "rehabilitation" can not be said sweet! Enjoy a more exciting and sensual world of erotic sex!!