Chiyoko Shimizu, 57 years old, says she has five grandchildren. Madame shop manager who runs boutiques in the town shopping district. "It's a small old-fashioned shop, but I also make money from the owner and it's like a hobby. There are many free days, so I thought that I should start some hobby. I often remember laughing with a friend of mine, "I wanted to go out to porn about once when I was born as a woman. " But when you contact me for a photo shoot, I'm really going to come out! I was surprised (laughs) In fact, if you are a friend who applied with us, unfortunately this time it does not fit the schedule and is going to be a careless shooting ! Chiyoko says she has not had sex for more than 15 years, but she seems to have masturbated many times since the shooting was decided, so her tension is exciting! i'm going to make you feel better today even for your friends!