Get into a pretty unusual back-and-forth shop in the hot spring town where information gathered online! When I met your cute new wife, Mr. Riko, my husband's hobby was "May I take a picture?" What kind of shop is this? This store is a pretty surprising place where the husband of Kashiwa goes with you!!? If you can't help it, a pretty young husband with a camera will appear. When I was nervous, I was told "It's okay to do as usual," so if you play kunni, the elbow will make me feel good. When I moved to Ferra, my husband also joined W-Fella. After a while, the husband urged him to "soon" and inserted it live at the riding position with his elbow shaved. After that, I ran into the back, side position, riding position, sitting position, normal level and finally it was a middle-out finish! Mr. Wakazuma is small and jealous of his husband's words, "I'm glad you are." A strong fashion shop is scary .... look at everything.