It was the first time we had a relationship between a beloved son and a man and woman that we were going on a trip together. They were excited to love each other without hesitation. The two men who arrived at the inn went to the hot spring immediately and confirmed their love with a family bath. But there was a man looking into the two. The man hid the act of the two people and spoke to them when aesthetics were alone. The beauty that was shown in the picture got upset, and as a man told me, he served whistling. That night, even though I was in front of a delicious meal and loved my son, I couldn't help but enjoy being threatened by a man. The next day, when he called on the man, he was raped for his comfort before his men's men were present, and in the end they were drowned out. At the end of his life, he was over and over again slammed with a cloudy liquid.